Saturday, October 29, 2011

Seeing the sights in Hong Kong

For Wednesday 26 October

We started today with a nice ‘included in the price’ breakfast which, much to John's delight, included toast and cereal.  We then headed off by subway to the Golden Arcade, where innumerable electronic gadgetry and computer stuff is sold [** yawn **].  John found a drive to back up our computer at a reasonable price – and then it was my turn.  We went down the nearby market street where I managed to find two handbags.

Let me see - shall I have a handbag or one
 of those refurbished electric drills?

This is how scaffolding is done in Hong Kong.
Tied-together bamboo is used even on the very tall buildings

We were pretty hot and bothered by then, so we went back to the hotel to cool off and have a rest.

Our next adventure was an evening visit to the Happy Valley Racecourse.  What an amazing place!! 

The stands at the Happy Valley Racecourse
They look like apartment blocks!

As we had a lot to fit in, we only stayed to watch one race and then we got a taxi to the Star Ferry Terminal and travelled back to the Kowloon side of the harbour to watch the laser light show. 
The light show photographed from the Kowloon side of the harbour

Back on the ferry again, we returned to the island side and took a taxi out to the Peak Tram terminal to catch the tram up to the top of Victoria Peak.  That was really weird!  Often, trams that go up a steep slope have angled seats, but this one doesn’t so the buildings all look like they’re standing at a very odd angle.

Once we reached the top, we stopped in to the café for dinner (very nice Chinese food) and then we went up to the viewing deck to gaze for a while at the awesome view.

View from Victoria Peak

John at Sky Terrace 428
A view of Hong Kong from 428 metres above sea level

We then went by subway back to the hotel.  It was a bit of a rushed evening, but we managed to squeeze in the things that we had most wanted to do.  We’ve still got tomorrow to fill in the gaps before we’re off to the airport again.


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